Report from Chillán, Chile

From Luis Zepeda

Many blessings, beloved brothers. I hope you are good. We write to you to report and tell you about the good things that the Lord does through our lives in the city of Chillán and in every place where God allows us to serve him. It is an honor to serve you!

It’s been more than 2 and a half years of pandemic, and so far WE HAVE NOT LEFT A SINGLE SUNDAY TO MEET IN PERSON. Every SUNDAY between 40 to 50 people (including children) we gather for worship service (9 am).

Also, we continue every WEDNESDAY meeting to study the Bible as a church (8 pm). In each meeting we have meals, sharing or KOINONIAS, in order to strengthen ties with each other.

In addition, during the week we have different CELLS, where we meet in the houses of the brothers to sing, pray, eat together, share and listen to the word of God.

And we have activated different ministries where the brothers and sisters put into action the gifts that our Lord has given them to serve his people.


We also continue with visits to our beloved brothers in Chiguayante (2 hours away from Chillán). Once every month, we support them by visiting them and encouraging them with the word of the Lord. During the visit in February, exactly on Saturday, February 19, 2022, Patricio Rodríguez was baptized for the forgiveness of his sins.

We continue to support various congregations throughout Latin America through online ministry… in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, United States & Spain. Using our YouTube channel, Zoom classes, WhatsApp, Facebook Live &


We also want to ask for your prayer, since now at the end of April we end our rental contract (it was for 6 months) and we must leave our house to a new place. Most likely, we will return to Chillán again, since due to the distance (25 kms) we have to travel several times every day (round trip) to take our children to school and go to the different activities of the congregation. That grind is exhausting!

Also, we want to ask for a prayer for my health, since as a result of the stress and the blow to the head that I suffered in January, I began to have vision problems (myopia and astigmatism) and I began to wear glasses.

Furthermore, a few days ago, I got a nail in my foot, and as a result of my diabetes, I’ve been to several cures and medical appointments seeing how my foot is evolving. At the moment, it has healed well, without major complications and little by little I have regained mobility.

Please pray a lot for our health, mine and that of my whole family, so that the Lord frees us from all evil.

Another very big request for us, as a congregation, is to have our own meeting place. We have decided to start saving to buy a site, and we ask for your prayers for this project. Since we want to continue growing and solidifying this project, so that the congregation has its own place, and we can take root and grow.

Sus partners Familia Zepeda Vergara

For photos, see the attached report:

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