Report from the Bridges in Honduras

God Continues to Surprise Us

Last month we wrote about how our R.A.D.I.C.A.L. school program came about and the growth that it has experienced moving from a simple tutoring outreach to a community wide effort. What we rejoice in seeing is the impact that our school program has on our church planting efforts. This year our youth group has grown from about fourteen teens to about twenty-seven! The incredible part is that almost all of these are unchurched young people. Only seven come from the congregations in Corquín and Potrerillos.

To read more from the Bridges in Honduras, please open or download this file:

God continues to surprise us

Last month we wrote about how our R.A.D.I.C.A.L. school program came about and the growth that it has experienced moving from a simple tutoring outreach to a community wide effort. What we rejoice in seeing is the impact that our school program has on our church planting efforts. This year our youth group has grown from about fourteen teens to about twenty-seven! The incredible part is that almost all of these are unchurched young people. Only seven come from the congregations in Corquín and Potrerillos.

In the same way, our Sunday Bible class has grown. We had about four to five children who attended in Corquín with a church member parent. However, currently there are anywhere from eleven to fifteen children that come regularly to church and Bible class which is a direct result of our school program’s influence. This month, the mom of one of these children attended Sunday services with her daughter, and this is one of the reasons we are so excited about R.A.D.I.C.A.L. and the next step of growth that we are taking. It is all about reaching the lost.

In October we also mentioned our plans to double the number of children reached by R.A.D.I.C.A.L. But this month, after meeting with the director of Education for Corquín, we developed a plan with his backing to teach EVERY child in the municipality of Corquín from kindergarten through high school. We are anticipating nearly 1,900 children! Can you imagine? This is our version of “leave no child behind!” We have the funds to begin this work, but not to see it through. Will you step out in faith with us? We are confident that God is faithful and that He will find a way for us. We are also confident in the faithfulness and generosity of those reading this exciting news. We are praying that you will be a part of the answer to how we will fund this important work.
Please let us know if you can help.

How to contact us:
To donate online, go to:, click the “online” icon, choose the fund “Corquín Honduras Mission” and enter the amount you would like to give.

For more from the Bridges November newsletter, download the PDF file below:

May report from the Bridges in Honduras

This month we have begun getting more heavily involved with the students at the high school in Corquín in different ways. As we mentioned in earlier newsletters, our RADICAL team has been given the opportunity to go into the high school every Monday and teach values from a Biblical perspective. When we spoke to the director, we offered to get involved with the students in different ways and to assist the school when possible, with the understanding that we will be inviting the students to our youth group.

Read the May report from Mike and Kris Bridges.

Team arrives in Honduras with supplies

Steven Spear, Ysamar Spear and Alvin Cox are in Corquin, Honduras, to spend a week with missionaries Michael and and Kris Bridges. They were able to deliver supplies donated by Southside members and Alvin’s sister Mistie. On Sunday the team attended a joint worship service with the churches of Corquin and Potrerrios.

Team heads to Honduras

Steven and Ysamar Spear and Alvin Cox are traveling to Honduras this month, leaving Saturday, August 13 and returning to Lexington on Friday, August 19.

On Sunday, they will worship in Portirillos in the morning and Corquin in the evening. Steven will be preaching and Ysamar will be leading their version of Kid’s Own Worship. They will also attend a fellowship meal after each service for a chance to get to know church members.

Steven will also be teaching Bible class Wednesday evening.

They will spend some time in the schools observing how their school program works.

They will also spend some time with Phil & Donna Waldron of Mission Upreach in Santa Rosa.

The church has been collecting ‘things’ that Mike & Kris Bridges can use for various parts of their ministry. They use such items to create jobs and raise local funds to pay for the school program.

Read Bridges2Honduras Special Edition:

R.A.D.I.C.A.L. school program begins in Honduras

Our School Program has begun!

First, we want to thank God for this opportunity to go into our local schools to share His Word and
teach a values curriculum to hundreds of children ranging from kindergarten to ninth grade.

Second, we want to thank all who have so generously and selflessly given to make this program possible. In addition to funds for our teachers and materials, we received special donations from the Snellville Church of Christ as well as from individuals to purchase a 4-wheel drive truck to enable us to reach these remote schools. After the heavy rain earlier this week, the truck has already proved its worth! We are truly thankful and humbled by the love that has been poured out by you on behalf of the children in and around the Corquín area.

Our school program is called R.A.D.I.C.A.L. Each letter of this word represents the following words in

Why radical? One definition of the word refers to a total and complete change or transformation, from the root up. Our goal, through our school program, is to help bring about a comprehensive transformation in the lives of the children and their parents. As it says in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Currently each week we are invited into seven schools within the Municipality of Corquín, including
the communities of Colonia San Francisco, San Pedrito, Potrerillos, Caralito, Carizal, Agua Caliente and

In these schools we have two sessions. The first session consists of a Bible story drama followed by a 45-minute lesson on a particular value, which is presented to all students. The second session is dedicated to tutoring in reading, writing and math and is offered after school hours. With only six teachers, we are not able to go into the largest elementary school located in the center of Corquín, but we are still able to teach many of its students.

Parents, on their own or on the advice of their child’s teacher, are sending their children to us for extra tutoring. We are truly blessed to have the cooperation of the teachers. On Fridays we have two sessions of these students at our building, grades 1st–3rd, and 4th–6th. Before these students divide up by grades for help in math and reading, each group receives the same Bible drama and values lesson that we present at the other schools.

– Bridges2Honduras

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