Report from Nigeria

I hope everyone is doing well.  Terrence and I arrived safely and have already had a busy week.  We are with Chi and the children at the house in Port Harcourt.  Terrence has been working on projects at the house and at Susana Homes while I’ve been at clinic.

My first clinic this week was at the prison with Brother Friday Adima. Brother Friday has been doing this ministry at the Abia State Prison since Bob came with Chi in 1998! 

The prison currently houses 700 male prisoners and 37 females. Most of the men are relatively young men in what would be their most productive years. Because Nigeria operates under the premise that you are guilty until proven innocent, prisoners are confined for years before going in front of a judge.  A 32-year-old prisoner I saw in clinic this week told me he had been before the judge the week before and that he would receive a favorable judgement. He was so happy with the thought that he could see his mother soon. She is frail and not able to visit him in the prison. He’s been incarcerated for 7 years! There are no pictures of this clinic – for security reasons.

I also finally got to go back to Pong for clinic. We went there four years ago when the Noblitts and Wallers were with us. There is no health care in this community. This was a church plant from the Elami church, where I will be on Sunday. The church is about 90 minutes south of Port Harcourt on the coast.  We saw about 55 in clinic. 

Kay Price sees patients in clinic.

Yesterday I got to do market clinic which is one of my favorites.  There are several women from church who have stalls at the market, so there is always someone there I know.  I walk through the market and let people know I’m checking blood pressure.  We then have those with high BP come to the clinic at Susana Homes so we can recheck their BP and provide them medicine.

Local markets are a great opportunity to hold a clinic.

This morning we are off again Susana Homes because it is Graduation.  It will be a day of celebration for all kids.  We brought new outfits for the graduates and everyone has been cooking for a couple of days for the party!

I have clinics planned all next week and we’ll be home next Sunday night. 

 We are praying for those in Eastern Kentucky affected by the flooding.  – Kay Price

Postscript: So I managed to leave out the most important part about being at the prison!  There were 18 men baptized while I was there!  Each had been participating in Bible study with either Brother Friday or his associate.  It was amazing to see the joy that these men had despite being in prison. – Kay

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